Marketing Dashboard

This guide provides examples, templates and practical advice to help you create a best-in-class marketing dashboard of your own.

Modern marketing dashboards have interactive charts and insight suggestions from augmented analytics.

What is a Marketing Dashboard?

A marketing dashboard is a business intelligence tool that allows marketing teams to track, analyze and report on marketing KPIs. Modern dashboards go beyond simply visualizing data from various marketing tools and instead integrate data from a wide variety of sources in real time to provide a complete picture of every stage of the sales funnel. Interactive dashboards allow teams to more deeply explore the data and find insights that will increase marketing effectiveness.

Key Capabilities of a Marketing Dashboard

Look beyond pretty pictures. Today’s full-funnel approach to marketing requires a marketing analytics platform which can deliver dashboards that integrate data from a wide variety of sources to give a complete picture of every stage of the customer lifecycle. And, modern marketing dashboards must also be interactive, offering the ability for teams to more deeply explore the data directly within the dashboard. This helps you uncover insights towards optimizing across every stage of the funnel.

12 Marketing Dashboard Examples

The 12 examples below demonstrate key capabilities of a modern dashboard for marketing.

CMO Dashboard

CMOs and marketing executives need a comprehensive view of performance KPIs across the entire marketing funnel. They also need the ability to quickly and easily drill into specific activities to identify problems and explore opportunities for improvement. CMO dashboards also allow marketing execs to quickly and confidently share data with stakeholders from across their organization.

Explore a CMO Dashboard

CMO Dashboards provide a real-time view of performance around KPIs across the entire marketing funnel.

Marketing Contribution Dashboard

B2B marketers can easily prove the value of their efforts with dashboards that visualize the actual revenue, opportunities and closed deals directly associated with Marketing activities.

Explore a Marketing Contribution Dashboard

B2B marketers prove their value with dashboards that visualize the actual revenue directly associated with activities.

Marketing Influenced Dashboard

Dashboards that integrate data from both marketing and CRM systems allow marketers to analyze their activities by program and funnel stage based on all marketing-influenced Opportunities.

Explore a Marketing Influenced Dashboard

Pipeline dashboard integrates data from marketing and CRM systems to analyze activities based on marketing-influenced opportunities.

How to Design Best-in-Class Dashboards - Image

How to Design Best-in-Class Dashboards

Download our ebook with 4 must-see dashboard examples.

Marketing Opportunities Dashboard

This marketing dashboard example shows the number of marketing-influenced Opportunities in the CRM system and the conversion and closed/won rate of people who respond to marketing campaigns and become an Opportunity.

Explore a Marketing Opportunities Dashboard

Pipeline dashboard integrates data from marketing and CRM systems to analyze activities based on marketing-influenced opportunities.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Dashboard

B2B marketers need to understand activity at an account level in addition to tracking individual leads. This interactive ABM dashboard allows teams to drill into data such as net new named accounts and analyze response, conversion and revenue performance on a category or individual account basis.

Explore an ABM Dashboard

ABM dashboards allow drilling into data to analyze response, conversion and revenue on an account basis.

Inbound Leads Dashboard

Marketers also need to track and optimize KPIs around individual leads. Executives want to quickly know how top-line inbound lead volume is holding up and marketing teams need to analyze and optimize campaigns on a daily basis. This interactive dashboard integrates data from multiple platforms to allow teams to drill into responses, leads and goal activities for any campaign.

Explore an Inbound Leads Dashboard

Inbound leads dashboards integrate data from multiple platforms to drill into leads and goals for campaigns.

10 Ways to Take Your Visualizations to the Next Level

Inspire action with your data. Learn about the latest visualizations and how to choose the right ones to highlight the most important aspects of your data.

Sales Pipeline Dashboard

As marketing departments work closely with sales and RevOps teams, marketing needs a clear understanding of the sales pipeline. This marketing dashboard example gives closed-loop marketing visibility into the number of opportunities, the opportunity value, the percentage of activity for named versus non-named accounts and won and closed revenue amount by industry or deal stage.

Explore a Sales Pipeline Dashboard

Sales pipeline dashboards give visibility into KPIs like opportunities by industry or deal stage.

Customer Experience Analysis Dashboard

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a good measure of customer loyalty but can be a challenging KPI when used in isolation, as it has limited diagnostic properties on its own. This marketing dashboard example addresses this by correlating NPS with a number of other KPI's to help identify areas where NPS can be improved.

Explore a Customer Experience Analysis Dashboard

Customer experience analysis dashboards include Net Promoter Score correlated with a number of other KPIs.

Web Analytics Dashboard

The web analytics dashboard highlights metrics such as Web site visits by region, new vs total visits and bounce rate to give a quick understanding of your site performance. And integrating this dashboard into a larger marketing analytics application eliminates the need to jump across multiple applications to get the data you need. Take your web dashboard even further by integrating other relevant data sources that highlight marketing initiatives that are likely to influence site activity.

Explore a Web Analytics Dashboard

Web analytics dashboards highlight metrics such bounce rate in real time to understand performance.

Social Media Dashboard

Social media managers practicing closed-loop marketing need to know how their efforts on each platform are translating into engagement, site visits and influence across the sales funnel. This helps inform managers about what platforms are delivering the highest impact and where to focus on making adjustments for underperforming channels.

Explore a Social Media Dashboard

Social media dashboards show how each platform drives engagement, visits and influence across the sales funnel.

Don’t just measure. Measure what matters.

Download the KPI Planning Guide to learn:

  • 10 steps to strong KPIs

  • Which questions help you define your KPIs

  • 170 KPI examples and templates

Closed-loop Campaign Optimization

Closed-loop marketing means optimizing strategies and campaigns based on both their direct attribution to revenue and their influence on revenue. This marketing dashboard is designed to provide an in-depth view of the full conversion funnel of a particular email campaign. Knowing how a campaign performs against an ultimate objective (“enrollments” in this case) simplifies the process of optimizing the entire customer journey based on attributed revenue growth.

Explore a Closed-loop Campaign Optimization Dashboard

This closed-loop marketing dashboard provides an in-depth view of the full conversion funnel.

Customer Lifecycle Analysis Dashboard

A complete picture of the customer lifecycle can also include knowing how the customer experience changes across key phases. The ability to drill into this data helps inform full-funnel marketing decision making and campaign spend.

Explore a Customer Lifecycle Analysis Dashboard

How does Customer Experience vary over the customer lifecycle by Product Group?

See interactive dashboards in action