Trust in Qlik as a privacy compliant vendor
Qlik’s Privacy Team, led by our Data Protection Officer, in conjunction with our Information Security Team, administers and monitors the effectiveness of our privacy program. Qlik complies with relevant privacy laws, including but not limited to the EU & UK GDPR, Canada’s PIPEDA, Brazil’s LGPD, Singapore’s PDPA and California’s CCPA. Our privacy program is supported by a cross-functional team of Data Privacy Champions, including representatives from Legal, IT, R&D, Product, Consulting, Sales, Marketing and Support. The privacy program is underpinned by comprehensive processes and controls, such as:
Measures to ensure the lawful transfer of personal data between Qlik group companies in different countries
Our record of data processing activities, as required under Article 30 GDPR
Privacy-By-Design and Privacy-By-Default methodologies, e.g., in our vendor vetting and our R&D/product development processes
Data retention and access rules
Regular data privacy and security training
Comprehensive data privacy policies and notices, including our Product Privacy Notice and our Privacy & Cookie Notice