Driving Positive Change in Our World is Our Work, Too

Two men work outdoors on a construction site, assembling wooden structures under a sunny sky. One man is inside a small wooden building, while the other measures and cuts wood outside.

We deliver hope with data

Corporate responsibility runs deep at Qlik. Beyond selling software, we believe in being a good global citizen and boosting global sustainability. We see the power of data transforming organizations and missions. That’s why we’re passionate about fueling public-private partnerships and empowering nonprofit organizations with our technology and expertise to positively change our world.

A person wearing an "Emergency Medical Pack" backpack with the Direct Relief logo walks towards a disaster-stricken area with damaged buildings and emergency vehicles in the background.

"Qlik helps us ensure everyone who needs help gets it."

Thomas Tighe, CEO, Direct Relief

We're all in

At Qlik, corporate responsibility is more than a program. It’s in our employee DNA. And our partners and customers are fully on-board. Our core values focus on good citizenship everywhere, compelling us to give back and lend a hand.

A group of 21 people are posing in front of a red brick wall. Some are standing, and some are kneeling, with plants in the foreground. They are dressed casually in T-shirts and working clothes.

Our culture guides our commitment to sustainable change.

Two people standing outside, smiling at the camera. They are wearing Qlik branded shirts and have stickers with the same logo. Trees and event structures are visible in the background.

Our employees are actively involved.

A man rides a stationary bicycle in front of a screen at an event, promoting a program labeled "Pédalez pour la RD Congo." The display tracks the cycling progress digitally.

Our technology turns data into knowledge.

Big goals in the service of others

In business, as in life, there’s more than one bottom line. Our Corporate Responsibility is based on the triple bottom line model. That means we’re working to drive tangible value in three areas: economic, social, and environmental across our global community. We’re especially focused on helping vulnerable populations and our planet. By adding Qlik’s voice and expertise to the strong action on climate change, we’re helping to uncover opportunities for greater energy reduction and reuse.

Dashboard displaying GHG data for Boston buildings in 2016: 2,904 properties, 1,990 reporting, 1,733 on target, and 677 outliers. A map with blue dots and a property chart are shown.

Ways our people engage and make an impact

We’re building communities and shared experiences while solving hard problems. We’ve cycled across the UK to raise money for Medair’s efforts to support Syrian refugees. We’ve come together with WeSeeHope to launch women-owned businesses and aid learning in African communities for orphans and vulnerable children. We’ve hosted hackathon events all around the world with university students, partners, and customers working to advance humanitarian missions with better data. Our employees regularly donate their skills using Volunteer Days that support local philanthropic and environment causes around the world.

A diverse group of people is posing and smiling in front of a small thatched structure in an outdoor, rural setting.

Software grants supporting amazing work

By uncovering new insights with our technology, nonprofits of all kinds—including hundreds of NGOs—are driving their missions forward. We partner with C40 Cities a global network connecting 96 cities committed to urgent climate action, on creating engaging, actionable data apps with our analytics platform. We support the United Nations Office of Information Technology with our platform to advance progress of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our Qlik Technology Grant program boosts global and local efforts.

A diverse group of people sits attentively at round tables during a conference, some with laptops and documents in front of them, in a large, well-lit room.

Learn more about our Technology Grant Program