UK Modern Slavery Act Statement - Qlik

QlikTech UK limited is a member of the Qlik global group of companies headquartered in Pennsylvania, USA. More information about Qlik and its group is available here: While Qlik does not “manufacture” in the traditional sense with the use of factories, Qlik evaluates its supply chain to identify which suppliers pose the greatest risk in terms of complying with relevant laws, including but not limited to laws relating to slavery and human trafficking. Qlik requires that its suppliers and partners comply with relevant law including, but not limited to, employment laws, anti-corruption laws and any other laws that regulate how people work. We may also carry out appropriate due diligence and risk assessments on suppliers to ensure their compliance with laws. To supplement these and other policies, Qlik also has a Whistleblower Policy in place to protect whistleblowers and a compliance training program that is mandatory for all Qlik staff.

Signed for and on behalf of QlikTech UK limited.

Signature of Deborah C. Lofton, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary

Deborah C. Lofton