Qlik Compose®: Cloud ETL as Part of DWH Automation
Available through the Amazon Web Services Marketplace, Qlik Compose is an innovative data warehouse automation solution that empowers data architects and data warehouse administrators to design and implement data warehouses and data marts without doing any manual coding. Bundled with Qlik Compose for Amazon Redshift, Qlik Cloudbeam makes it easy to configure and execute data migrations from nearly any type of source system into the staging area of a cloud data warehouse – again with no manual coding. Seamlessly integrated and remarkably easy to use, Qlik Compose and Qlik Cloudbeam accelerate and automate all aspects of cloud ETL for cloud data warehousing.
With Qlik Compose for Amazon Redshift you can create custom data warehouse designs through an intuitive design studio, or simply import a design such as Data Vault, Inmon, and Kimball. Qlik Compose then automatically generates the Amazon Redshift ETL code needed to transform data in your warehouse staging area to meet the requirements of your warehouse design pattern. With a click, you can create the warehouse structures and execute Redshift ETL tasks, monitoring the cloud ETL progress through a central console.
Cloud ETL is just as easy for data marts as it is for the data warehouse: Simply configure your fact and dimension tables by using the Qlik Compose star schema wizard, and Qlik Compose then automatically generates the cloud ETL command set that's needed to correctly populate the data mart.