Executive Insights and Trends

Revealing The New Qlik Brand

By Mike Capone, CEO, Qlik

Headshot of blog author Mike Capone, CEO of Qlik

Mike Capone

4 min read

Headshot of Mike Capone, CEO, Qlik and the text "Revealing the New Qlik Brand"

The Market Opportunity Has Changed. And We’re Ready for It.

Today, at Qlik, we continue our exciting journey by revealing a completely new brand and website. This transformation goes beyond aesthetics, symbolizing our dynamic evolution at the forefront of data integration, analytics, and AI. Our new identity encapsulates innovation, clarity, and agility.

In the current landscape, CEOs face the challenge of harnessing AI effectively—a realm where Qlik's unique agility and independence provide unparalleled advantage. Our ability to offer flexible, agnostic solutions, combined with our rich experience in scaling AI at an enterprise level, makes us a vital partner in navigating AI complexities.

As we introduce this new brand, we're not just changing our look; we're redefining our role in a market that's hungry for real-world AI solutions. This is a bold declaration of our commitment to leading the charge in transforming how businesses harness data for real business outcomes.

Qlik's Enduring Purpose: Evolving from Our Roots

Our inception in 1993, originally as ‘QuikTech,’ marked the beginning of a journey defined by 'Quality, Understanding, Interaction, and Knowledge' – the foundational QUIK values. While ‘Quik’ changed to ‘Qlik’ in our early days, our journey has always been about more than data solutions. It’s about empowering strategic business outcomes.

With this renewed brand, we aim to make complex data solutions more intuitive and accessible. The fresh, modern typography of our logo and its streamlined design is our pledge to clarity and efficiency, ensuring that our advanced solutions remain user-centric.

Qlik company logo

The decision to retain the iconic Qlik green in our logo resonates profoundly with our customers and partners, as evidenced by our research. This green is not merely a color; it's a representation of growth and opportunity, mirroring our commitment to empowering businesses through data analytics. It signifies movement, innovation, and our adaptability in the ever-evolving data technology landscape.

Key to our growth is the strategic acquisition of Talend, a milestone integrating holistic capabilities in data management, quality, analytics, and AI/ML. The redesigned Qlik logo, with its green and gray hues, mirrors this integration, echoing Talend's circle motif, signifying unity and progression.

Alongside our new logo is our new 'Wherever there's data, there's opportunity' ethos, reflecting a market shift towards leveraging data as a strategic asset. Our customers are poised to unlock these opportunities with the help of our expanded portfolio, which provides comprehensive solutions in data integration, analytics, and AI/ML. This strategic position sets us apart not just as a provider of tools, but as an enabler of business transformation in a data-driven world.

The New Look: Intuitive and User-Centric Design

Our reimagined website, a cornerstone of our rebranding, mirrors this evolution. Moving beyond a product-centric perspective, it spotlights solutions and outcomes that resonate with our diverse customer base. This transformation is an embodiment of our vision, making the journey through data analytics intuitive and straightforward for all users, regardless of their expertise.

Image of desktop monitor showing the Qlik website homepage

The website has evolved to dynamically showcase our services and stands as a hub for insights and data explorations. It's designed to demystify the complexities of data analytics, making our sophisticated solutions accessible, fostering a culture of informed decision-making, and aligning our digital presence with our commitment to innovation and user-centricity.

Embracing the New Era: Integrating the Brand Across All Facets

As we embark on this new chapter, Qlik's rebranding is not just about aesthetics, but about aligning with the evolving demands of our clients and the market. We are integrating this fresh look across every touchpoint - from digital presence to customer interactions, ensuring our identity remains consistent and reflective of our user-focused ethos.

This transformation extends to our collaborations with partners and customers. Our brand is a dialogue, a shared journey with those we serve. By working closely with them, we ensure our new identity enriches and resonates, reflecting our mutual growth and evolution.

Our reimagined brand is a renewed commitment to cutting-edge technology and business relevance. It's a promise to our clients: to be the catalyst in your data journey, delivering insights for substantial business outcomes. Join us in this exciting evolution, under a brand that's not only new but a beacon of innovation, clarity, and tangible results in the data landscape.

Ready to get started?