Customer & Partner Spotlights

Feb 14, 2024

Sweethearts and Bright Minds: Welcoming the Qlik Customer Luminary and Partner Ambassador Classes of 2024

Headshot of blog author Chris Powell. He wears glasses and a gray sweater and stands with his arms crossed, smiling, in a modern indoor setting with blurred office background.

Chris Powell

3 min read

A close-up of heart-shaped candies in pastel colors with words like "MODEL," "DATA," "MOVE," "STATS," "AI/ML," and "TRUST" printed on them, all scattered on a yellow surface.

Each year BILLIONS of candy hearts are produced for Valentine's Day. Unbelievable right? Another fun fact is that ten new messages are released based on a central theme. This year’s theme is “Friendship and Appreciation.” Absolutely perfect as we introduce the newest members of our esteemed Customer Luminary and Partner Ambassador programs!

In the spirit of the theme, our Luminary and Ambassador members embody the essence of friendship and appreciation, echoing sentiments found in every (heartfelt) candy heart message from this year's 10 new phrases. So here it goes:

From being each other's BEST PAL (1) to forming unbreakable bonds like true BFFs (2) our community thrives on mutual support and camaraderie. We're not just BIG FANs (3) of our members; we're their biggest cheerleaders, celebrating their successes and milestones together.

At the core of these communities, every member is cherished as a valued FRIEND (4). Together, they stand as the GOATs (5) in driving Qlik's mission forward, embodying the spirit of teamwork with every GO TEAM (6) chant. From the bottom of our hearts, we express our gratitude and appreciation for their unwavering dedication; in brief: we truly HEART U (7).

In both digital and real-life interactions, our Luminary and Ambassador members shine as stars, proving their worth as IRL LIKE (8) inspirations. Their contributions are not just appreciated; they are genuinely LIKEd (9) and admired by all. As a cherished part of our Qlik family, we extend our love and gratitude, affirming that we LUV U FAM (10).

Okay,... I’m done.

On a serious note, as we introduce the newest members of our Luminary and Ambassador communities, let's celebrate the invaluable partnerships and collaborations that define our journey. Together, we embrace shared goals, mutual respect, and endless possibilities.

With heartfelt appreciation, (see what I did there?) please join me in raising a virtual toast to these remarkable professionals as they continue to script stories of transformative change in the realms of AI/ML, data integration, data quality, and analytics.

But let’s not let the story end there. I hope that you will join me in following their journey through the year:

  • Connect on LinkedIn: Get to know our Luminaries and Partner Ambassadors

  • Meet them at Qlik Connect: Attend their sessions and witness their expertise firsthand.

  • Read their Inspirational Stories: Get to know the narratives that fuel their passion.

  • Engage in Qlik Community: Look for the Luminary and Partner Ambassador badges – a symbol of their dedication and expertise.

Here's to another a future of innovation, collaboration, and friendship!


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