Jan 03, 2024

Trends 2024: Bridging the Trust Gap in Generative AI – The Big to Better Data Imperative

Headshot of blog author Dan Sommer. He has styled brown hair and glasses, is wearing a dark suit jacket over a pink dress shirt. He is smiling and facing the camera, with a white background.

Dan Sommer

3 min read

A teal-themed graphic with text: "Bridging the Trust Gap in Generative AI: The Big to Better Data Imperative.

Speaking of elephants… remember 10 years ago? In the peak of the hype, executives wanted some “Big data”, without a clear purpose. Now everyone wants to do some “GenAI”, and are equally confused. So, it’s apt to draw a parallel to the famous 3Vs of Big data (Volume, Velocity, Variety). As an industry, we’ve done a good job of solving the first two, while still very much grappling with the latter. Not only do we need to fix variety of data - we also need to add another two V’s that have become critical if we want any success with GenAI – Validity and Value.

A chart illustrates the transition from "Big data" to "Better data" with a triangular diagram highlighting five aspects: Value, Validity, Variety, Velocity (checked), and Volume (checked).

Only if we add those two can we bridge the trust-gap. Validity, because quality, origin and lineage have become orders of magnitude more important, if you don’t want untruths perpetuating everywhere. And Value, because we need to find a new model for this entire space - where governed and qualitative data is a product not only internally, but increasingly externally, serving up GenAI. This new era, if done right, will put data capital as an equal citizen to financial capital and human capital. And then, organizations sit on huge unrealized assets. A good analogy is the music industry. 10 years ago, it was on its knees, because – like GenAI today, - it was a bit of a free for all, with Napster, PirateBay etc. Then we managed to find a new model through streaming services, where content owners and producers were compensated. I think, if we want to usher into a new era of truth and prosperity, we need to make that same journey for AI data owners and producers. If you want to find out more, please watch my webinar.

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