Corporate Responsibility

Qlik Supports the World Health Organization to Help Global Community Prepare for Future Epidemics Through Data

Based on WHO’s Dynamic Preparedness Metric, Interactive Qlik Data Application Analyzes Health System Preparedness and Identifies Gaps for Proactive Remediation

Headshot of blog author Julie Kae wearing a black blouse and sporting blonde shoulder-length hair.

Julie Kae

3 min read

Screenshot of a Qlik Sense dashboard showing world DPM data

Qlik and its NGO partners focus on leveraging data to bring a positive impact to the world. While we are still seeing the effects of the COVID pandemic throughout society, there are tremendous lessons that we can carry forward to be better prepared for the next likely pandemic.

The WHO’s Dynamic Preparedness Metric (DPM) is a composite measure composed of three main dimensions of hazard, vulnerability, and capacity. Through the DPM dashboard, countries will understand: the potential harm they will need to handle based on the severity and probably of an epidemic; how various physical, social, economic, and environmental factors impact susceptibility across all aspects of the community; and the resources they will require to effectively anticipate, mitigate, and respond to a health emergency. Countries will also be able to use the Qlik application to understand their Preparedness Capacity Gap, which proactively identifies system gaps and recommends actions based on priorities informed by WHO Benchmarks for International Health Regulations (IHR 2005).

We saw throughout the COVID-19 pandemic the positive impact of having real-time and relevant data when taking action. That data informed action across the entire spectrum of issues, from PPE inventory volumes and needs, hospital and healthcare staff availability, and vaccination status and prioritization based on risk profile. We’re proud to continue our work with WHO to facilitate access by countries to the vital data they need to be prepared and act in order to protect the citizens of the world against the impacts of the next endemic.

Data helps us look around corners and to be better prepared for what may happen next. Qlik is helping the World Health Organization put us all in a better position to manage through any future pandemics.

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