Test Drive Qlik for Databricks Today!

Stream real-time, analytics-ready data directly into Databricks with Qlik Data Integration.


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Qlik Data Integration is the enterprise-scale, end-to-end data ingestion and pipeline automation solution for Databricks. The solution offers a two-step approach to delivering data into Databricks Delta Lake.

  • First, Qlik Replicate® provides change data capture from a wide range of data sources to stream data into Databricks.
  • Second, Qlik Compose® automates the entire data pipeline to create and provision analytics-ready data into Delta Lake.

Ready to get behind the wheel?

Complete the form and immediately take the first step with our free cloud trial of Qlik Replicate. This will launch the test drive and guide you through a step-by-step tutorial.

After you’ve completed the trial you may be interested in additional technical documentation to take a deeper dive. Here are a few suggestions:

Qlik Replicate Free Trial for Databricks

Qlik Replicate supports a broad variety of data source and target platforms beyond the sample scenarios highlighted in the test drive.

The pre-configured test drive environment expires four hours after registration.

世界 40,000 社以上の顧客が Qlik を選択