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Human-Machine Breakthrough

Human-Machine Breakthrough

Qlik takes an industry-leading approach with fully integrated Augmented Analytics, combining the power of AI and ML with our Associative Engine to deepen insight, broaden access, and drive efficiency. Choose a type of analysis or ask a question in natural language and get sophisticated, automated insights with visualizations you can quickly explore. And easily add predictive analytics to your apps.

Explore AI Powered Analytics

AI That’s Not
Very “I”

AI That’s Not Very “I”

Tableau’s Ask Data only works with raw data sources – which means it can’t leverage the insights your analysts have built with workbooks. Plus, it’s limited. Ask a question and get a basic answer. It’s also slow – and doesn’t scale. And don’t expect integrated AutoML. You need to buy and support a separate cloud platform just for key driver analysis.

AI That’s Not Very “I”

Tableau’s Ask Data only works with raw data sources – which means it can’t leverage the insights your analysts have built with workbooks. Plus, it’s limited. Ask a question and get a basic answer. It’s also slow – and doesn’t scale. And don’t expect integrated AutoML. You need to buy and support a separate cloud platform just for key driver analysis.

Explore AI Powered Analytics
AI That’s Not Very “I”

Tableau’s Ask Data only works with raw data sources – which means it can’t leverage the insights your analysts have built with workbooks. Plus, it’s limited. Ask a question and get a basic answer. It’s also slow – and doesn’t scale. And don’t expect integrated AutoML. You need to buy and support a separate cloud platform just for key driver analysis.